AMX NXD-430-WH Specifications Page 98

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NXD-430/435/435P 4.3” Wall/Flush Mount Touch Panels
"^" Button Commands (Cont.)
^BMC Button copy command - copy attributes of the source button to all the destination buttons.
Note that the source is a single button state. Each state must be copied as a separate
The <codes> section represents what attributes will be copied.
All codes are 2 char pairs that can be separated by comma, space, percent or just ran
"'^BMC-<vt addr range>,<button states range>,<source
port>,<source address>,<source state>,<codes>'"
variable text address range = 1 - 4000.
button states range = 1 - 256 for multi-state buttons (0 = All states, for General buttons
1 = Off state and 2 = On state).
source port = 1 - 100.
source address = 1 - 4000.
source state = 1 - 256.
BM - Picture/Bitmap
BR - Border
CB - Border Color
CF - Fill Color
CT - Text Color
EC - Text effect color
EF - Text effect
FT - Font
IC - Icon
JB - Bitmap alignment
JI - Icon alignment
JT - Text alignment
LN - Lines of video removed
OP - Opacity
SO - Button Sound
TX - Text
VI - Video slot ID
WW - Word wrap on/off
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^BMC-425,1,1,500,1,BR'"
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^BMC-425,1,1,500,1,%BR'"
Copies the OFF state border of button with a variable text address of 500 onto the OFF
state border of button with a variable text address of 425.
Example 2:
SEND_COMMAND Panel,"'^BMC-150,1,1,315,1,%BR%FT%TX%BM%IC%CF%CT'"
Copies the OFF state border, font, Text, bitmap, icon, fill color and text color of the button
with a variable text address of 315 onto the OFF state border, font, Text, bitmap, icon, fill
color and text color of the button with a variable text address of 150.
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