8. Advanced Output Methods
Rain Bird
ET Manager Series - Installation and Operation Manual 53
8. Advanced Output Methods
The ET Manager is an accessory to a sprinkler con-
troller to provide real-time ET based water manage-
ment for the sprinkler system. The interface between
your sprinkler controller and the ET Manager utilizes
one of four different Output Methods. The capabilities
of the sprinkler controller and site-specific needs deter-
mine which Output Mode should be used. To deter-
mine which Output Method is used with your sprinkler
controller, please review this chapter.
Output Methods
• Enable: This is the most common setting. A
sprinkler controller output is enabled to allow
watering only when needed.
• Enable A then B: This output operates the
same as the “Enable” method with one signifi-
cant difference. There may be instances when
watering needs to be spread over two days.
The A then B mode allows watering on only
one valve group per day, then alternates to the
other valve group on the next available day.
• ET and Rain Pulse: ET-based controllers can
recognize these inputs. A dry contact switch
closure signal represents 0.01” of ET. The rain
output signals 0.01” of rain.
• ET Pulse with Weather Interrupt: ET Pulse
with Weather Interrupt is similar to ET and
Rain Pulse with a second output acting as a
sensor interrupt to prevent watering if any one
of the three Weather Interrupt conditions
occurs; rain, freezing conditions or high wind.
A dry contact switch closure signal represents
0.01” of ET.
This chapter focuses on all Output Methods except
Enable A then B
Some sites need to spread watering over 2 days, water-
ing a portion the site one night and the remaining site
the next night. The “Enable A then B” Output Method
separates watering of Valve Group A and B over a two
day period. The Enable A then B Output Method oper-
ates the same as the Enable mode described in this
manual with the difference that the valve groups will
never water during the same Automatic Window; Valve
Group A waters one night “then” B the next night. In
order to implement the Enable A then B Output
• Your sprinkler controller, ET Manager, and
valves must be installed correctly, see Figure 15.
• Your ET Manager must be correctly pro-
• Your sprinkler controller must be programmed
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