Configuration and Firmware Update
NetLinx Integrated Controllers
Recommended NetLinx Device numbers
Resetting the Factory Default System and Device Values
1. Access the Device Addressing dialog box (FIG. 25 on page 40) by either one of these two
Right-click on any system device listed in the Workspace and select Device Addressing.
Select Diagnostics > Device Addressing from the Main menu.
2. Click the Set Device/System to Factory Default button. This resets both the system value and
device addresses (for definable devices) to their factory default settings. The system
information (in the OnLine Tree tab of the Workspace window) refreshes and then displays
the new information.
3. Click Done to close the Device Addressing dialog.
4. Click Reboot (from the Tools > Reboot the Master Controller dialog) and wait for the System
Master to reboot. The STATUS and OUTPUT LEDs should begin to alternately blink during
the incorporation. Wait until the STATUS LED is the only LED to blink.
5. Press Done once the Master Reboot Status field reads Reboot of System Complete.
6. Click the OnLine Tree tab in the Workspace window to view the devices on the System. The
default System value is one (1).
7. Right-click the associated System number and select Refresh Whole Network to refresh of all
project systems, establish a new connection to all Masters, and refresh the System list with
devices on that system.
8. Use Ctrl+S to save your existing NetLinx Project with the new changes.
• 1 - 255 • Axcess Devices use Axcess standards
• 301 - 3072 • NetLinx CardFrames start at frame number 25 - (frame# * 12) + Card #
• 5001 - 5999 • ICSNet NetLinx devices: NXI, NXM-COM2, NXM-IRS4, etc.
• 6001 - 6999 • ICSNet Landmark devices: PLH-VS8, PLH-AS16, PLB-AS16
• 7001 - 7999 • InConcert Devices
• 8001 - 8999 • PCLink Device: PCLink devices are PC programs
• 10000 - 31999 • ICSNet Panels: DMS, IMS, and future panels
• 33001 - 36863 • Virtual devices: these start at 33001
• 32001 - 32767 • Dynamic devices: the actual range used by Master
• 32768 - 36863 • Virtual devices: the actual range used by Master
By setting the system to its default value (#1), Modero panels that were set to
connect to the Master on another System value will not appear in the OnLine Tree
tab of the Workspace window.
For example: A Modero touch panel was previously set to System #2. The system is
then reset to its default setting of System #1 and then refreshed from within the
Workspace window. The panel will not reappear until the system is changed (from
within the System Connection page on the Modero) to match the new value and both
the Master and panel are rebooted.
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