NetLinx Security with a Terminal Connection
NetLinx Integrated Controllers
Help menu
Type help at the prompt in the Telnet session to display the following help topics:
Help Menu Options
Command Description
----- Help ----- <D:P:S> (Extended diag messages are OFF)
<D:P:S>: Device:Port:System. If omitted, assumes Master.
? or Help Displays this list.
DATE Displays the current date.
DEVICE HOLDOFF ON|OFF Sets the Master to holdoff devices (i.e. does not allow them to report
ONLINE) until the NetLinx program has completed executing the
If set to ON, any messages to devices in DEFINE_START will be lost;
however, this prevents incoming messages being lost in the Master
upon startup. When DEVICE_HOLDOFF is ON, you must use ONLINE
events to trigger device startup SEND_COMMANDs.
By default, DEVICE HOLDOFF is OFF to maintain compatibility with
Axcess systems where f devices are initialized in DEFINE_START.
DEVICE STATUS <D:P:S> Provides information about the specified device.
DNS LIST <D:P:S> Displays the DNS configuration of a device.
DISK FREE Displays the amount of free space on the disk.
GET DEVICE HOLDOFF Displays the state of the device holdoff setting in the Master
GET IP <D:P:S> Displays the IP configuration of a device.
HELP SECURITY Displays security related commands.
IP STATUS Provides information about NetLinx IP Connections.
MEM Shows size of the largest block of available memory.
MSG ON|OFF Enables/Disables extended diagnostic messages.
OFF [D:P:S or NAME,CHAN] Turns off the specified channel.
ON [D:P:S or NAME,CHAN] Turns on the specified channel.
PASS [D:P:S or NAME] Puts the Session in pass mode to the specified device.
• Mode is exited by ++ ESC ESC.
• Display Format is set by ++ ESC n
If n is A, format = ASCII
If n is D, format = Decimal
If n is H, format = Hex
PING [ADDRESS] Pings an address (IP or URL).
Specify an option for reverse lookup.
PROGRAM INFO Displays a list of program modules loaded.
PULSE [D:P:S or NAME,CHAN] Pulses the specified channel.
REBOOT <D:P:S> Reboots the device.
RELEASE DHCP Releases the current DHCP lease.
ROUTE MODE DIRECT|NORMAL Set the Master-Master route mode.
Sends the specified command to the device.The Command uses
NetLinx string syntax.
• Ex: send_command 1:1:1,"'This is a test',13,10"
• Ex: send_command RS232_1,"'This is a test',13,10"
Sends the specified string to the device.
SET DATE Set the current date.
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