KwikNet Administration Interface
D - 1
D. KwikNet Administration Interface
D.1 Introduction
Many network protocols, such as FTP, were originally developed when large mainframe
computers were shared by many users. The computers accommodated multiple users,
each with a password and all administered by a higher authority. Network protocols were
developed to support user names and passwords.
Unfortunately, user name and password administration services are rarely provided by the
operating systems found in desktop computers or embedded devices. This is true even of
KADAK's AMX Multitasking Kernel.
KwikNet TCP/IP Stack does not require a user administration system for normal use.
However, to accommodate protocols such as FTP and HTTP, KwikNet provides its own
user name and password administrative services.
The KwikNet administration interface is only supported if
you are using the KwikNet Virtual File System and/or a file
system accessed via the KwikNet Universal File System
(UFS) interface.
The KwikNet administration interface is not supported by
any of the Treck file systems.
User Definitions
All KwikNet users are defined in array kn_users[] in module KN_ADMIN.C located in the
KwikNet TCPIP directory. Each user definition is a knx_userinfo structure which is
defined in header file KN_ADMIN.H located in the KwikNet TCPIP directory.
struct knx_userinfo { /* User info structure */
int xu_access; /* User access rights */
int xu_rsv1; /* Fill for alignment */
void *xu_app; /* Reserved for application */
char xu_username[KN_FS_LUSER]; /* User name */
char xu_password[KN_FS_LPASS]; /* User password */
char xu_basedir[KN_FS_LPATH+4]; /* User base directory */
To add, modify or delete users, you must edit file KN_ADMIN.C. Each definition includes
a user name, an unencrypted password, a base directory path and a definition of the user's
access rights. User names and passwords are character arrays. The base directory
defines the path to a file directory considered to be the user's base (home) directory if a
file system is employed. A pointer variable in the definition is reserved for the private
use of your application.
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