Reference Materials and Glossary
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A.2 KwikNet Glossary
API An application programming interface defines the method by
which a software program can access software components such as
procedures in the KwikNet Library.
App-Task The name given to the body of application code which uses
KwikNet services in a single threaded system. The App-Task is any
application function (except those executed by an interrupt service
routine) which calls KwikNet to perform some operation.
ARP Address Resolution Protocol: the TCP/IP protocol used to resolve
the correlation between an IP address and a physical hardware
address such as an Ethernet address.
BOOTP Boot Protocol: an older protocol used to derive a network IP
address during the startup (boot) initialization of an IP stack.
BSD The University of California, Berkeley refers to its TCP/IP
software release as the Berkeley Software Distribution.
Clock Handler The name given to the procedure which is called by the ISR or ISP
root which services the hardware clock interrupt.
Clock Tick The interrupt generated by a hardware clock.
Conforming ISP An AMX Interrupt Service Procedure consisting of an ISP root
which calls an Interrupt Handler which has the right to make calls
to a subset of the KwikNet service procedures.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: a protocol used by a
DHCP client to derive a network IP address during the startup
(boot) initialization of an IP stack. The client uses services
provided by a DHCP server elsewhere on the network.
DNS Domain Name System: the database distributed across all
interconnected networks used to map each text-like machine name
to its equivalent IP address.
Error Code A series of signed integers used by
KwikNet to indicate error or
warning conditions detected by
KwikNet service procedures.
Exit Procedure An AMX or application procedure executed by AMX during the
exit phase when an AMX system is shut down.
Fatal Error A condition detected by
KwikNet which is considered so abnormal
that to proceed might risk catastrophic consequences.
FIFO First in, first out. Usually used to refer to the ordering of elements
in a queue or linked list.
FTP File Transfer Protocol: a TCP/IP protocol used for reliably
transferring files between two points on a network.
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