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KwikNet Universal File System Interface
C - 5
File System Parameters (continued)
Maximum Path and File Name Lengths
Specify the maximum number of characters which can appear in a path name string used
to reference a directory location. The path length must include room for a terminating
'\0' character. The path length excludes any file name.
Specify the maximum number of characters which can appear in a file name string used
to identify any file. The file name includes the base name and extension(s) and any
separating characters. The file name length must include room for a terminating
character. The file name length excludes any path information.
There is no reason to set the path or file name lengths any greater than the maximum
allowed by the selected file system. For the KwikNet Virtual File System, a path length of
32 and a file name length of 16 are reasonable. For AMX/FS and MS-DOS file systems,
a path length of 128 and a file name length of 16 will be adequate.
To minimize memory waste in embedded applications in which short paths are the norm,
the maximum path length can be reduced. However, be aware that KwikNet FTP and
HTTP servers may be forced to reject requests for service if the paths and file names
which they receive exceed the limits defined by these configuration parameters.
The path and file name lengths are only used by the KwikNet
Universal File System (UFS) interface, the KwikNet Virtual
File System and the KwikNet administration interface.
These parameters are not used by any of the Treck file
systems. The Treck RAM File System restricts paths to
260 characters. Treck ROM File System paths are
determined by the Treck ROM FS Builder.
Administration Parameters (see Appendix D)
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