AMX NetLinx Master-Ethernet Card/Module NXC-ME260 Instruction Manual Page 27

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NXC-ME260 NetLinx Master-Ethernet Card/Module
ESC Pass Codes
There are 'escape' codes in the pass mode. These codes can switch the display mode or exit the pass
mode. The following 'escape' codes are defined.
Program Port Commands (Cont.)
Command Description
Lists all active TCP/IP connections.
The following TCP connections exist(ed):
1: IP= Socket=0 (Dead)
2: IP= Socket=0 (Dead)
Displays the list of URL addresses programmed in the Master Card (or
another system).
The following URLs exist in the URL connection list
->Entry 0- IP= State=Connected
Entry 1- IP= State=Issue Connect
ESC Pass Codes
Command Description
Exit Pass Mode
Typing a plus (shift =) followed by another plus followed by an ESC (the escape
key) followed by another escape exits the pass mode. The Telnet session
returns to "normal".
+ + ESC A
ASCII Display Mode
Typing a plus (shift =) followed by another plus followed by an ESC (the escape
key) followed by an 'A' sets the display to ASCII mode. Any ASCII characters
received by the device will be displayed by their ASCII symbol. Any non-ASCII
characters will be displayed with a \ followed by two hex characters to indicate
the character’s hex value.
+ + ESC D
Decimal Display Mode
Typing a plus (shift =) followed by another plus followed by an ESC (the escape
key) followed by an 'D' sets the display to decimal mode. Any characters
received by the device will be displayed with a \ followed by numeric characters
to indicate the character’s decimal value.
+ + ESC H
Hex Display Mode
Typing a plus (shift =) followed by another plus followed by an ESC (the escape
key) followed by an 'H' sets the display to hexadecimal mode. Any characters
received by the device will be displayed with a \ followed by two hex characters
to indicate the character’s hex value.
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