AMX TXC32 Plus User Manual Page 12

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3. Frame Forwarding over the Frame Relay
When the Frame Relay protocol receives a packet for encapsulation, it compares the packet’s network
address to the entries in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. If the ARP cache contains the
DLCI number that matches the network address, the Frame Relay protocol encapsulates that packet
into a frame and transmits the frame over its specified local DLCI. If the ARP cache does not contain
a match, the frame is discarded.
3.1. Protocol Addresses
Protocol addresses can be statically mapped to Frame Relay network PVC addresses though ARP.
Note: Static protocol addresses are also referred to as static ARP entries. A static ARP
entry is added to the configuration with the command.
3.2. Multicast Emulation
Multicast Emulation is an optional feature that allows protocols requiring multicast such as ARP to
function properly over the Frame Relay interface.
With multicast emulation, a frame is transmitted on each active PVC. By using the MULTICAST and
NO MULTICAST commands, you can turn this feature on or off.
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