AMX TXC16 Plus User Manual Page 13

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DB9 to DB25 converter
The original pin layout for RS232 was developed for a 25 pins sub D connector. Since the IBM-AT, 9
pins connectors are commonly used. In mixed applications, a 9 to 25 pins converter can be used to
connect connectors of different sizes.
RS232 DB9 to DB25 converter
RS232 null modem cables
The easiest way to connect two PC's is using a null modem cable. The only problem is the large variety
of null-modem cables available. For simple connections, a three line cable connecting the signal ground
and receive and transmit lines is sufficient. Depending of the software used, some sort of handshaking
may however be necessary. Use the selection table
to find the right cable for each purpose. For a
Windows 95/98 Direct Cable Connection, the null modem cable with loop back handshaking is a good
Null modem cables with handshaking can be defined in numerous ways, with loopback handshaking to
each PC, or complete handshaking between the two systems. The most common cable types are shown
Simple null modem without handshaking
No handshaking
How to use the handshaking lines in a null modem configuration? The simplest way is to don't use them
at all. In that situation, only the data lines and signal ground are cross connected in the communication
cable. All other pins have no connection. An example of such a cable without handshaking can be seen
in the figure below.
Compatibility issues
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