Amx Advanced Classroom Transmitter TXC-ACT User Manual Page 6

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2 Introduction TXC-ACT Advanced Classroom Transmitter
A 455 kHz signal for control up to 50 feet away from your computer
Compact size for easy handling
A MouseDisk that performs a variety of control functions, depending on the
source selected (such as motion, CD-I, and still)
23 buttons, 15 of which are computer buttons, such as ENTER and ESC
Compatibility with AXB-TMX, TXB-TM5, and IRX-SM+
Standard AMX Synergy source control functions plus PC compatibility,
including IBM PC/XT/AT, PS/2, and all notebooks, laptops, and desktops
LCD panel/projector compatibility, including 3M, Proxima, In Focus, Sharp,
Telex, and nView
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