Amx 10dBi Yagi Antenna NXA-WAP2410A User Manual

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10dBi yagi antenna
The NXA-WAP2410A 10dBi yagi antenna can be used as a bridge
between two networks or for point-to-point communications. They
e field adjustable for vertical or horizontal polarization with matched
principal plane beamwidths for optimum performance in either
orientation. This design also provides improved front-to-back ratio and
sidelobe suppression that reduces interference. All models feature a
robust mounting structure for consistent performance regardless of
weather conditions.
Field adjustable to allow vertical or horizontal polarity. Eliminates
co-channel interference from neighboring radiators. Polarity markings
molded on the antenna ensure installation in the correct orientation.
Optional, articulating mount. Allows precise adjustment of the
antenna both vertically and horizontally.
All antennas include a robust mast mount bracket designed to
withstand 125 mph wind.
Matched principal plane beamwidths with excellent sidelobe
suppression and cross-polarization rejection of more than 20 dB.
ovides superior signal quality with enhanced gain per
and minimal interference from neighboring radiators.
23 dB front-to-back ratio permits less physical separation on the
tower thus adding mounting flexibility at installation sites where
space is limited.
Attractive weather-proof radome constructed of UV resistant material.
Provides robust and trouble-free use in harsh outdoor environments.
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - 10dBi yagi antenna

10dBi yagi antennaThe NXA-WAP2410A 10dBi yagi antenna can be used as a bridgebetween two networks or for point-to-point communications. They are field

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NXA-WAP2410A (FG2255-22)GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS:•2.4 GHz ISM enclosed yagi antenna seriesPOLARIZATION:• Vertical or horizontal, linar (user adjustable)

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